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Interstate 89 New London - Hanover/Lebanon Commuter Feasibility Study

UVLSRPC Projects

Project Administrator:

Patricia Crocker

Project Title:

Interstate 89 New London - Hanover/Lebanon Commuter Feasibility Study

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Project Summary:

A feasibility study to evaluate a proposed transit route that would provide commuter transportation service along the Interstate 89 corridor serving the Town of New London, Town of Grantham, Town of Enfield, Town of Hanover, and City of Lebanon. Currently, there is no commuter transit service along the Interstate 89 corridor in the UVLSRPC region. As conceptually envisioned, the proposed service would begin in New London with stops at the Exit  12, Exit 13 Park‐and‐Ride facilities in Grantham, Exit 16 in Enfield, Lebanon City Hall, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, and Dartmouth College/downtown Hanover. Depending upon the results of the demand analysis and study findings, there may also be the potential to serve the communities of Sutton and Warner with this service.

Providing a transit connection to the region’s employment centers from the south along the Interstate 89 corridor has long been both a statewide and regional need. Moreover, such a transit route would provide service to several unserved communities. The addition of this service could also help to alleviate congestion at the intersection of I‐89 and NH Route 120 (Exit 18), which has continued despite recent roadway improvements. The planning justification for this project is extensive and found in a number of recent statewide and regional plans.

Additional Information

AECOM based in Rocky Hill, Connecticut was selected as the transportation planning consulting organizaition to conduct the study through a competitive bid process. The lead consultant on the project is Ms. Jill Cahoon based out of Hooksett, New Hampshire.

A project advisory group of representatives from municipalities that will be on the service route, major employers, the region's Transportation Management Association, and members of the transit industry has been formed. NH Department of Transportation staff will also be members of this group.


  • US Federal Transit Administration, Section 5305(e), Statewide Planning & Research Program through NH Department of Transportation

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