Housing in the UVLS Region

Housing is the key to regional planning and the success of a community. UVLSRPC works on housing in regional and local projects, such as the Keys to the Valley Initiative, a bi-state project undertaken by three regional planning commissions. We also recently updated the 2023 Regional Housing Needs Assessment, in accordance with NH RSA 36:47. 

Click the images or links below for more information on these two major Upper Valley housing projects!

The Navigator Grant

As part of Governor Sununu’s $100 million InvestNH initiative, $5 million has been allocated to provide grants to municipalities to analyze and update their land use regulations to help increase housing development opportunities. The NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs has contracted with New Hampshire Housing to administer this program.


The Navigator Grant was awarded to the UVLSRPC to work with the towns of Newbury, New London, and Wilmot. The Navigator position works to help bring capacity, conversation, and assistance in pushing the needle forward to implement housing solutions.


Renee Theall joined UVLSRPC in January 2023 as the Housing Navigator and Associate Planner. The Navigator position is a two-year program focused on the three towns included in the Grant. Her goal is to have a significant impact on their individual and collective capacity to build common ground and advance solutions that address each community’s local housing needs. Prior to joining UVLSRPC, Renee has a strong customer service management background and loves getting to know people and their story. She is looking forward to building relationships, across sectors in each community, and helping to push the needle forward in each community to implement housing solutions.

 email Renee


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