UVLSRPC Projects
Project Administrator:
Victoria Davis
Project Title:
Sullivan County Compost Project
Related Services:
Project Summary:
Schools generate a "lot" of food waste in their cafeterias--some from meal preparation and some from food the students don't eat. Schools also generate yard waste from their playgrounds and playing fields. These materials could be composted at the school instead of going into the waste stream.
The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission(UVLSRPC) hired two consultants to evaluate composting opportunities within Sullivan County. Jessica Skinner and Joel Moyer worked with schools in Sullivan County to develop composting projects. They generated a lot of interest, and coordinated a school composting workshop in Unity which was attended by representatives from five schools. Unity Elementary School worked on a pilot composting project.
NH schools do not require a permit to compost on-site. They cannot take food waste from other sources, but they can take materials like leaves.
Additional Information
- US Department of Agriculture, Solid Waste Management Grant