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UVLSRPC Commissioners 

ACWORTH - John Tuthill

CANAAN- Vacant

CHARLESTOWN - Jeremy Wood, Albert St.Pierre

CLAREMONT - Tom Luther, Richard Wahrlich

CORNISH - Vacant

CROYDON - Vacant


ENFIELD - Ed Morris

GOSHEN - Vacant

GRAFTON - Vacant


GRANTHAM - Peter Guillette-Treasurer

HANOVER - Chris Kennedy, Jennie Chamberlain, David Anderson

LEBANON - Dan Nash

LEMPSTER - Read Gildner-Blinn, Mark Lightner

LYME - Bill Malcolm, Vice Chair

NEW LONDON - Jerry Coogan, Peter Nichols

NEWBURY - Vacant

NEWPORT - Jeff Kessler-Secretary/Assistant Treasurer

ORANGE - Vacant

ORFORD - Ted Cooley


PLAINFIELD - John Yacavone


SUNAPEE - Josh Trow-Chair, Lynn Arnold

UNITY - Kevin Brenker

WASHINGTON - Andrew Hatch

WILMOT - Bill Chaisson, Polly Crocker

SULLIVAN COUNTY - Lionel Chute, Derek Ferland

MEMBERS-AT-LARGE - Peter Gregory, Anne Duncan Cooley, Sarah Jackson, Nancy Merrill, Nathan Reichert

Who We Are 

The UVLSRPC has been providing professional planning assistance to municipal boards since 1963 when it was the Upper Valley Development Council. Our current staff's areas of expertise include comprehensive planning, land use regulations, transportation planning, natural resource inventories, community/economic development, public participation, affordable housing, and hazard mitigation planning.

The Commission is one of nine Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) in New Hampshire enabled through state legislation (RSA 36:45). RPCs were created to coordinate all aspects of planning, act as a liaison between local and state/federal governments, and provide advisory technical assistance. Regional Planning Commissions seek to promote intergovernmental collaboration and coordination throughout the regions they serve. 

The Commission serves 27 municipalities, as well as local groups such as river advisory committees, economic development councils, housing organizations, and others who affect the future land use of the region. 

The Commission is governed by commissioners appointed by member communities and counties and a small number of at-large-members. It is the commissioners' role to be a regional collaborator and bring local issues to the attention of the Commission and conversely to articulate regional strategies that can benefit local efforts. Meetings_011.jpg


Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission is a Equal Opportunity Employer 

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in our programs or activities. 

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