UVLSRPC Commissioners
ACWORTH - John Tuthill
CANAAN- Vacant
CHARLESTOWN - Jeremy Wood, Albert St.Pierre
CLAREMONT - Tom Luther, Richard Wahrlich
CORNISH - Vacant
CROYDON - Vacant
ENFIELD - Ed Morris
GOSHEN - Vacant
GRAFTON - Vacant
GRANTHAM - Peter Guillette-Treasurer
HANOVER - Chris Kennedy, Jennie Chamberlain, David Anderson
LEBANON - Dan Nash
LEMPSTER - Read Gildner-Blinn, Mark Lightner
LYME - Bill Malcolm, Vice Chair
NEW LONDON - Jerry Coogan, Peter Nichols
NEWBURY - Vacant
NEWPORT - Jeff Kessler-Secretary/Assistant Treasurer
ORANGE - Vacant
ORFORD - Ted Cooley
PLAINFIELD - John Yacavone
SUNAPEE - Josh Trow-Chair, Lynn Arnold
UNITY - Kevin Brenker
WASHINGTON - Andrew Hatch
WILMOT - Bill Chaisson, Polly Crocker
SULLIVAN COUNTY - Lionel Chute, Derek Ferland
MEMBERS-AT-LARGE - Peter Gregory, Anne Duncan Cooley, Sarah Jackson, Nancy Merrill, Nathan Reichert
The 27 municipalities within the region established by the NH Office of Strategic Initiatives, voluntarily choose to be members of the Commission. A regional planning commission's powers shall be advisory, and shall generally pertain to the development of the region within its jurisdiction as a whole. Regional planning commissions are political subdivisions of the state. However, regional planning commissions have only that power and authority expressly provided for in NH RSA 36.
Each municipality that is a member of the Regional Planning Commission shall be entitled to 2 representatives to the Commission. Municipalities with a population of over 10,000 but less than 25,000 shall be entitled to have 3 representatives on the Commission (Claremont, Lebanon and Hanover currently). Population as set forth in this section shall be deemed to be determined by the last federal census. Representatives to a regional planning commission shall be nominated by the planning board of each municipality from the residents thereof and shall be appointed by the municipal officers of each municipality. Representatives may be elected or appointed officials of the municipality or county. Any county may also, by resolution of its County Commissioners, become a member of the Commission and shall be entitled to appoint 2 representatives to the Commission.
The terms of office for Commissioners of a regional planning commission shall be for 4 years, but initial appointments shall be for 2 and 4 years. In municipalities entitled to 3 or more representatives, initial appointment shall be for 2, 3 and 4 years.
In addition, Regional Planning Commissions are encouraged to consult, at their discretion, with agencies and institutions operating within the region whose activities influence planning and development. The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission currently has 2 at-large Commissioners representing economic and land use planning interests.
The Commission adopted a set of revised Bylaws on August 19, 2009 which guide the work of the Commission.