UVLSRPC Projects
Project Administrator:
Rachel Ruppel
Project Title:
Broadband Mapping
Related Services:
Project Summary:
UVLSRPC received funding to map high-speed or broadband Internet access in New Hampshire, as a member of the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program (NHBMPP). The NHBMPP is a joint project of the NH Regional Planning Commissions, NH GRANIT at the University of New Hampshire, and a variety of state agencies. The NHBMPP is funded through ARRA, through the Department of Commerce National Telecommunications and Information Administration, to develop a national map of broadband availability. The purpose of the program is to identify those areas that are unserved or underserved by broadband Internet access.
UVLSRPC and the other Regional Planning Commissions are responsible for contacting Community Anchor Institutions, or schools, colleges, hospitals, libraries, public safety agencies, and government offices to inventory the current Internet service at these locations. In addition to surveying these institutions, the coverage area of each of the 60-plus Internet service providers in the State is being mapped. UVLSRPC is coordinating the ongoing update and improvement of this dataset, from 2011 through 2014.
UVLSRPC is also involved with various data verification and update processes, as coordinated by the University of New Hampshire.
Additional Information
For more information on the statewide effort to plan for broadband expansion, please visit the New Hampshire Broadband Mapping and Planning Program website.
Other Related Projects:
Network New Hampshire Now is a collaborative project to expand broadband throughout the State, led by the University of New Hampshire. This project, funded by $44.5 million in economic stimulus money and matched with $22 million in private cash and in-kind funding, developed a fiber optic network and a microwave network to support broadband Internet deployment. Part of this project, called New Hampshire FastRoads, built a fiber-optic pipeline through the Upper Valley and Southwest regions of New Hampshire, including fiber-to-the-home Internet connections in the towns of Enfield and Rindge.
- US Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications & Information Administration