Project Resources
Related Documents
- Lake Sunapee Byway Corridor Management Plan
(PDF, 1.6 MB) - Executive Summary
(PDF, 34 KB) - Sunapee Harbor Sign
Related Websites
- Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway
- New Hampshire Scenic and Cultural Byways Program
- National Scenic Byways Program
- Virtual Tour of Lake Sunapee Byway
Related Photographs
UVLSRPC Projects
Project Administrator:
Rachel Ruppel
Project Title:
Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan
Related Services:
Economic Development, Transportation
Project Summary:
The Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission(UVLSRPC) provided technical assistance to revitalize the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway Committee, to consider expansion of the designated Byway, and to develop a master plan for the byway, known as a Corridor Management Plan.
The Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway was first designated in the mid-1990's to include Routes 103 and 103B in Newbury and Sunapee, and Route 11 in Sunapee and New London. In 2009, the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway was extended to include Route 103A in Newbury and New London, and Newport Road, Main Street/Route 114, and King Hill Road in New London. The route of the Byway now fully encircles the lake and connects the downtown areas of Newbury, New London and Sunapee.
The Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway in Newbury, New London and Sunapee is one of seventeen designated routes in the New Hampshire Scenic and Cultural Byways Program. Established in 1992 by an Act of the Legislature (RSA 238:19), the State Byways Program was designed “to provide the opportunity for residents and visitors to travel a system of byways… [to] expose the unique elements of the state's beauty, culture and history.”
This project was funded through the National Scenic Byways Program of the Federal Highway Administration and distributed by the NH Department of Transportation.
Additional Information
UVLSRPC provides ongoing technical assistance to the Lake Sunapee Byway Committee. Please visit the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway website to find out more on the work of the Lake Sunapee Byway Committee.
On April 28, 2011, the Federal Highway Administration announced that the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway was awarded $151,879 for its interpretive trail and promotional website project through the competitive National Scenic Byways Discretionary Grant Program. Details on the proposed project can be found on the Lake Sunapee Scenic Byway website. UVLSRPC will manage the project on behalf of the Lake Sunapee Byway Committee.
- US Federal Highways Administration, Scenic Byways Program through NH Department of Transportation