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UVLSRPC Commissioners 

ACWORTH - John Tuthill

CANAAN- Vacant

CHARLESTOWN - Jeremy Wood, Albert St.Pierre

CLAREMONT - Tom Luther, Richard Wahrlich

CORNISH - Vacant

CROYDON - Vacant


ENFIELD - Ed Morris

GOSHEN - Vacant

GRAFTON - Vacant


GRANTHAM - Peter Guillette-Treasurer

HANOVER - Chris Kennedy, Jennie Chamberlain, David Anderson

LEBANON - Dan Nash

LEMPSTER - Read Gildner-Blinn, Mark Lightner

LYME - Bill Malcolm, Vice Chair

NEW LONDON - Jerry Coogan, Peter Nichols

NEWBURY - Vacant

NEWPORT - Jeff Kessler-Secretary/Assistant Treasurer

ORANGE - Vacant

ORFORD - Ted Cooley


PLAINFIELD - John Yacavone


SUNAPEE - Josh Trow-Chair, Lynn Arnold

UNITY - Kevin Brenker

WASHINGTON - Andrew Hatch

WILMOT - Bill Chaisson, Polly Crocker

SULLIVAN COUNTY - Lionel Chute, Derek Ferland

MEMBERS-AT-LARGE - Peter Gregory, Anne Duncan Cooley, Sarah Jackson, Nancy Merrill, Nathan Reichert

What is the Role of a Commissioner?

The Commissioners have overall fiduciary responsibility for the Commission. The Commissioners are responsible for setting the policies of the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission to enble it to best serve the needs of the region. The Commission's job is to both represent the general public’s interest in assuring that the agency serves the region effectively, and through ongoing communication, to represent the municipal body that appointed the Commissioner.

As a representative of a local government, a Commissioner may assist with regional policy decisions and inform their commmunity about regional issues and how their community plays a part in larger regional issues. A Commissioner’s role is to balance the needs of municipalities with the needs of the region. Commissioners work to reach consensus when regional solutions can provide greater benefit.

It is a Commissioner’s role to bring concerns, issues and information to the Commission so that UVLSRPC staff may find the best resources to help communities. It is important to express the needs of communities and be engaged in the business of the Commission.

Commissioners are often asked to:

  • Attend six bi-monthly meetings a year
  • Review agenda materials sent prior to meetings
  • Serve on subcommittees who meet more often than bi-monthly
  • Advise the Commission on issues within the community
  • Introduce staff to key leaders in the community
  • Keep community officials and citizens informed on regional issues and the activities of the Commission
  • Keep the Executive Director informed of any special concerns that local leaders have
  • Approve a yearly budget and work plan for the organization

An effective Commissioner is an engaged liaison between the Commission and the member community. 

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